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Wheat, gluten, flour, bread...

Grazie Prokopetz

To quote the very wise Oprah Winfrey: “I LOOOVE BREAD” but, we have to be wise about its consumption, and here’s why:

📝 Quick note; gluten is the protein found in grains, although it is hard to digest and some people are intolerant or allergic, gluten is not always the bad guy.

Effects on doshas:

💨 Vata: if agni is strong, and there’s no constipation or bloating, it can be consumed with moderation

🔥 Pitta: if agni is strong, and there’s no stomach/intestinal issues, consume with moderation

🪨 Kapha: wheat is aggravating, minimize consumption

Facts about wheat [flour]:

🚫 It is contraindicated in the management of many conditions and diseases in both Ayurvedic and modern medicine views. IBS, IBD, autoimmune conditions, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Chron's, yeast infection, fatty liver, high cholesterol and triglycerides, asthma, autism, PCOS, indigestion, SIFO, SIBO, psoriasis, eczema, hypertension, celiac disease, allergies and intolerances, are a few of the most common ones.

🔥 In excess, wheat flour will diminish your agni, or digestive strength. We need our agni to be strong as it’s the foundation for optimal health. Read: First steps to a balanced agni

🌾 Overtime, we have made wheat more resistant to protect the crops, but that also means it’s much harder to digest, leading to undigested particles, residue and toxin accumulation in our system.

💥Eating difficult to digest foods causes stagnation and rotting in the digestive tract, leading to inflammation and autoimmune responses.

🛖 Flours carries fungi, mites and mycotoxins, which are also detrimental to health and strictly regulated by law. This goes for ALL flours, not just wheat.

🦟 Insect and rodent hair particles make it to the mix during production. A certain amount is allowed by law. These particles may irritate and injure our gut lining. Also, ALL flours.

🥴 If you’re allergic, or intolerant to either gluten or wheat, it’s a double whammy. It will be very inflammatory and damaging. best to avoid entirely. Celiacs should completely stay away and avoid cross-contamination.

🥖 Wheat is fermentable, causing bloating and gas.

🍞 How to shop:

Sourdough, artisan bread, natural fermentation (like levain) are always best. Store packaged bread contains too many harmful additives. The only ingredients should be: wheat, water, salt and yeast.

🌾 Homemade is always best!

When making your own, bread, it’s worth researching a good quality flour in your region, to minimize impurities. Check ingredients list, always!

To a balanced life!


Grazie Prokopetz, Doctor of Ayurveda



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